Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Fate Of Shakespeare s Oedipus The King - 918 Words
Are prophecies or fate self-fulfilling destiny? Is it predestined? Several of literatures have shown prophecies play an important role on shaping the fate. Oedipus the King by Sophocles and Macbeth by William Shakespeare are both known for tragic play; they both share a parallel phenomenon, of fate and prophecy. However, two protagonists desire is opposite, one destroy his own life trying to avoid while another destroy his life by trying to fulfill the destiny. Sophocles portrays Oedipus whose life is ruin by the prophecy whereas, for Shakespeare presents a Macbeth, who destroys his life trying to achieve his destiny. Macbeth and Oedipus the King, are well known play. The plays are from different time period yet they both have similar plots that center on a concept of characters fates are inescapable. Both characters fore ¬seen directly and indirectly their destiny and unavoidably comes true. In Macbeth, the three witches tell Macbeth that he would become king and it becomes a reality in his mind and follows that goal until it was accomplish. Likewise, in Oedipus the King, Oedipus finds his fate that he would one day kill his own biological father and marry his own birth mother; he tries to escape his destiny yet he was unable to. At the end, Oedipus says â€Å"I am agony†¦My Destiny, my dark power, what a leap you made†(Sophocles, pg. 238). Nevertheless, these two literatures presents two characters who have a predestine future, which they accomplish. In Oedipus the King,Show MoreRelatedTragic Hero1598 Words  | 7 Pagesbirth). 2. Hamartia (translated as tragic flaw, somewhat related to hubris, but denoting excess in behavior or mistakes). 3. A reversal of fortune (peripetia) brought about because of the hero s tragic error. 4. The discovery or recognition that the reversal was brought about by the hero s own actions (anagnorisis). Other common traits Some other common traits characteristic of a tragic hero: †¢ Hero must suffer more than he deserves. †¢ Hero must be doomed from the startRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Oedipus And Othello 982 Words  | 4 PagesOedipus and Othello are two of the most known tragic heroes throughout all of literature. While there are some noticeable differences between the two there are also many similarities between the two characters. With the amount of similarities between the two plays Shakespeare must have been inspired by Oedipus and Sophocles when he was writing Othello. Oedipus the king’s main conflict is based around Greek mythology in that from the time Oedipus is born it is prophesied by the Gods that he is goingRead MoreWhat Makes A Tragedy?908 Words  | 4 Pagesthe dictionary or Aristotle suggests? What are the actual characteristics that form a â€Å"true†tragedy? In Sophocles’ â€Å"Oedipus the King†and Shakespeare’s â€Å"Hamlet†(two of the most renowned tragedies ever written), lay the keys to unearthing the facts about what characteristics produce the ultimate tragedy. â€Å"Oedipus the King†tells the terrible tale of a brilliant man who became king of Thebes and later discovers that he is the cause of a plague on the city because he killed his father and marriedRead MoreAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Oedipus Rex 1442 Words  | 6 Pagestheir lifetime have likely heard the name, Shakespeare. A true mogul of the Elizabethan Theatre era, Shakespeare has written 37 plays and over 154 sonnets that are still performed on stages today. Similarly, anyone who has ever picked up a book has read about Sigmund Freud or some of his theories. Freud established many of the modern practices used in psychiatry and taught in psychology classes worldwide. Freud is a pioneer of psychology just as Shakespeare is to literature and theatre. They are twoRead More Willy Loman as Tragic Hero of Death of a Salesman Essay1519 Words  | 7 PagesSalesman   Willy Loman, the title character of the play, Death of Salesman, exhibits all the characteristics of a modern tragic hero. This essay will support this thesis by drawing on examples from Medea by Euripedes, Poetics by Aristotle, Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, and Shakespeares Julius Caesar, while comments by Moss, Gordon, and Nourse reinforce the thesis.            Death of Salesman, by Arthur Miller, fits the characteristics of classic tragedy. ?.... this is, first of all, a playRead MoreThe Origins Of Drama And Theatre2001 Words  | 9 PagesDionysus (Powell 68). Tragedy is, according to Aristotle, â€Å"an imitation of an action that is admirable†(10). Tragedy therefore deals with more than the common folk, and deals with more than common occurrences. It is more likely to deal with the fate of great kings, and heroes (Simpson). The audience for Greek tragedies were most likely middle class, meaning that they may have been perfectly fine watching a play about hero’s of greater importance, instead of commoners of lesser importance. Aristotle goesRead MoreEssay on Oedipus the King by Sophocles2040 Words  | 9 PagesThe play, Oedipus the King by Sophocles presents a grim hamartia caused from a terrible deed of long ago. Oedipus the protagonist is the powerful King of Thebes and h eld of high estate by the people of Thebes. As the terrible deed of Oedipus’s becomes apparent to both Oedipus and the City of Thebes his tragic flaw is slowly realized. The play will show â€Å"tragic power resides in human failing, hamartia, constantly underpinning any sense of the inevitable†(Walton). The play will show the author’s viewRead MoreKing Lear, By William Shakespeare938 Words  | 4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s tragic play King Lear is a play that occupies a critical place in the great playwright’s cannon. Harold Bloom noted that it, along with Hamlet, can be thought of as a kind of â€Å"secular scripture or mythology†. If we accept Bloom’s reading, then it becomes possible to read the play as a kind of a parable and to read it’s symbolism in terms of the way that those symbols have been teased out in scripture and in mythology. In particular, this essay will consider how blindness functionsRead MoreThe Trage dy Of Oedipus Rex And Shakespeare s Othello And Oedipus 2344 Words  | 10 PagesOthello and King Oedipus Rex Fall into this class of literature, even though they were written by two totally different authors and in two utterly different time periods. These two works share several comparisons to every different, while having an honest quantity of variations similarly. Pride is characterized as one of the seven deadliest sins. Most pleased individuals will never see themselves as to be genuinely glad until they encounter the results of their pride. Sophocles and Shakespeare both locationRead MoreComparing Hamlet And Oedipus Rex1868 Words  | 8 PagesJohn Q. Davis English 103 Date†¦.. Hamlet Oedipus Rex In Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, there is a seemingly close common relationship shown between the two plays regarding mainly the community and era in which they took place in. As well as different scenes throughout both stories which show very similar ideas from the writers such as, murder being the common theme in both plays. One example comes from the story, Oedipus the King, and it is that there is a direct relationship
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Game Of Video Games - 1680 Words
To Game or Not to Game? You take a deep breath, trying to contain your excitement. You notice that your hands are beginning to tremble, and you feel as though you have enough energy to literally ping off the walls. Then you step into the cool building and the smell of plastic and sweat hits you. The screams of excited customers fill your ears. Your eyes take in rows, upon rows of new store merchandise, and you feel your excitement kick up another notch, something you thought was impossible. Most of America’s population describe this place as the second happiest place on earth- where are you? A video game store of course! In fact over fifty nine percent of Americans play video games, and out of those only twenty nine percent are below the ages of eighteen. Since there beginning in 1958 video games have rocked our world, and have managed to catch the attention of over half of the American people. From the very first games, to the mass collection of video games that goes on for a couple of aisles, its plain to see video games have earned their set spot on the consumerist market for an extremely long time . However, are they good for us? Many citizens are starting to question the nature of video games, mainly the ones that base their virtual realities around violence. It is presently in a heated debate of whether violent video games have an effect on young adults, specifically if it makes adolescents more aggressive. It can be seen that there are many documented cases ofShow MoreRelatedVideo Games And The Video Game1299 Words  | 6 Pages A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device such as a TV screen or computer monitor. The word video in video game traditionally referred to a raster display device, but it now implies any type of display device that can produce two- or three-dimensional images. The electronic systems used to play video games are known as platforms; examples of these are personal computers and video game consoles. These platformsRead MoreVideo Game : Video Games888 Words  | 4 Pagesyou ever played or owned any type of video game? Video games are very addictive, especially your favorite one. Call of Duty is a popular video game that is full of violence and shootings. The quality of this video game looks just like real humans, shootings, guns, cities, towns, roads, etc. Call of Duty started off as a simple video game and is now expanding into a whole series that people keep purchasing. Children of all ages are involved in playing this game, and most people are against it. CallRead MoreVideo Games And The Video Game1538 Words  | 7 Pagesthis, but there was a time when video games were not around. Like a lot of things in the world that are distinctly human, video games were made out of a combination of innovation, necessity, and curiosity. The early vi deo game creators would be making something that would seem clunky, and somewhat crude at first. But that would completely change in time by the innovators, and entrepreneurs to something that would some day be consider an art form. (Art of Video Games) According to the EntertainmentRead MoreVideo Game : Video Games1584 Words  | 7 Pagesviolent video games that are commonly played by boys and girls, young and old alike in today’s society. Many experts fear that this violence in video games increases violence in people in real life, causing people to act out as if they were in the video game, increasing aggressive behavior so much that it could actually escalate to shooting, stabbing, and killing people. There have already been many cases of these extreme examples of violence in the news that share a connection with video games. EricRead MoreThe Video Game Video Games1427 Words  | 6 PagesThe first video games appeared in the 1960s.[1] They were played on massive computers connected to vector displays, not analog televisions. Ralph H. Baer conceived the idea of a home video game in 1951. In the late 1960s, while working for Sanders Associates, Baer created a series of video game console designs. One of these designs , which gained the nickname of the 1966 Brown Box, featured changeable game modes and was demonstrated to several TV manufacturers, ultimately leading to an agreementRead MoreVideo Games : Video Game930 Words  | 4 PagesVideo Games People will be surprise for what I am going to talk about. To start I have to tell a little bit about the topic â€Å"video games†. Video games is any electronically game played with the help of controller and consoles connected to a television or a computer. People can find different kinds of video games as action, shooters action adventure, and management simulation, role playing games, strategy and racing. The first video games were created by scientist and programmers after the SecondRead MoreVideo Games And The Video Game947 Words  | 4 Pages I’ve been playing video games and watching various forms of animation for years. I started to play video games on my Sega Genesis, like Sonic the Hedgehog and Phantasy Star. From then on, I advanced in gaming platforms and experienced games from Nintendo since the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and from Sony on the first PlayStation. I spent countless hours playing video games. However, I also spent a fair amount of time watching animation. I’d wake up on Saturday mornings to watch shows likeRead MoreVideo Games : The Video Game1748 Words  | 7 PagesBlog 31 – The latest TV show licensed online slot game releases Slot games are a dime a dozen in the online casino marketplace these days. While the level of oversaturation is simply too much for some, it is working wonders when it comes to the production values of games created. New games released in 2015 have pushed the boundaries more than any that have come before. Looking at the genre that has pushed slot games into the mainstream more than any other you need to look at the array of licensedRead MoreVideo Game : Video Games1658 Words  | 7 PagesVideo games first entered into the world around the 1970s, while the violence started occurring in the games about 20 years later (Anderson and Bushman 354). Some of the first violent video games included â€Å"Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and Wolfenstein 3D†which had amazing effects that were top notch at the time (Anderson and Bushman 354). Wolfenstein 3D was the first big video game that gave gamers the opportunity to shoot in the first person point of view (Anderson, Buckley, and Ge ntile 5). OverRead MoreVideo Games And The Video Game1301 Words  | 6 Pages The 2000’s and 2010’s has become the most transformative age for video games and the gamers who make them popular. Within the last 15 years the amount of gaming devices in homes has risen to eighty-eight percent. This is a large leap from where the original â€Å"Brown Box†console created by Ralph Baer in nineteen sixty-seven, but video games didn’t just go through a cut scene and magically appear in everyone’s homes. They have had it rough from lawsuits, heavy competition between companies, and even
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Carrie Chapter Ten Free Essays
string(55) " voice rose and fen in frightening, incoherent cycles\." She put the dress on for the first time on the morning of May 27, in her room. She had bought a special brassiere to go with it, which gave her breasts the proper uplift (not that they actually needed it) but left their top halves uncovered. Wearing it gave her a weird, dreamy feeling that was half shame and half defiant excitement. We will write a custom essay sample on Carrie Chapter Ten or any similar topic only for you Order Now The dress itself was nearly floor-length. The skirt was loose, but the waist was snug, the material rich and unfamiliar against her skin, which was used only to cotton and wool. The hang of it seemed to be right – or would be, with the new shoes. She slipped them on, adjusted the neckline, and went to the window. She could see only a maddening ghost image of herself, but everything seemed to be right. Maybe later she could†¦ The door swung open behind her with only a soft snick of the latch, and Carrie turned to look at her mother. She was dressed for work, wearing her white sweater and holding her black pocketbook in one hand. In the other she was holding Daddy Ralph’s Bible. They looked at each other. Hardly conscious of it, Carrie felt her back straighten until she stood straight in the patch of early spring sunshine that fell through the window. ‘Red,’ Momma murmured. ‘I might have known it would be red.’ Carrie said nothing. ‘I can see your dirtypillows. Everyone will. They’ll be looking at your body. The Book says-‘ ‘Those are my breasts, Momma. Every woman has them.’ ‘Take of that dress,’ Momma said. ‘No.’ ‘Take it of, Carrie. We’ll go down and bum it in the incinerator together, and then pray for forgiveness. We’ll do penance.’ Her eyes began to sparkle with the strange disconnected zeal that came over her at events which she considered to be tests of faith. ‘I’ll stay home from work and you’ll stay home from school. We’ll pray. We’ll ask for a sign. We’ll get us down on our knees and ask for the Pentecostal Fire.’ ‘No, Momma.’ Her mother reached up and pinched her own face. It left a red mark. She looked to Carrie for reaction, saw none, hooked her right hand into claws and ripped it across her own cheek, bringing thin blood. She whined and rocked back on her heels. Her eyes glowed with exultation. ‘Stop hurting yourself, Momma. That’s not going to make me stop either.’ Momma screamed. She made her right hand a fist and struck herself in the mouth, bringing blood. She dabbled her fingers in it, looked at it dreamily, and daubed a spot on the cover of the Bible. ‘Washed in the Blood of the Lamb,’ she whispered. ‘Many times. Many times he and-‘ ‘Go away, Momma.’ She looked up at Carrie, her eyes glowing. There was a terrifying expression of righteous anger graven on her face. ‘The Lord is not mocked,’ she whispered. ‘Be sure your sin will find you out. Burn it, Carrie! Cast that devil’s red from you and burn it! Burn it! Burn it!’ The door slammed open by itself. ‘Go away, Momma.’ Momma smiled. Her bloody mouth made the smile grotesque, twisted. ‘As Jezebel fell from the tower, let it be with you,’ she said. ‘And the dogs came and licked up the blood. It’s in the Bible! It’s-‘ Her feet began to slip along the floor and she looked down at them, bewildered. The wood might have turned to ice. ‘Stop that!’ She screamed. She was in the hall now. She caught the doorjamb and held on for a moment; then her fingers were torn loose, seemingly by nothing. ‘I love you, Momma,’ Carrie said steadily. ‘I’m sorry.’ She envisioned the door swinging shut, and the door did just that, as if moved by a light breeze. Carefully, so as not to hurt her, she disengaged the mental hands she had pushed her mother with. A moment later, Margaret was pounding on the door. Carrie held it shut, her lips trembling. ‘There’s going to be a judgment!’ Margaret White raved. ‘I wash my hands of it! I tried!’ ‘Pilate said that,’ Carrie murmured. Her mother went away. A minute later Carrie saw her go down the walk and cross the street on her way to work. ‘Momma,’ she said softly, and put her forehead on the glass. From The Shadow Exploded (p. 129): Before turning to a more detailed analysis of Prom Night itself, it might be well to sum up what we know of Carrie White the person. We know that Carrie was the victim of her mother’s religious mania. We know that she possessed a latent telekinetic talent, commonly referred to as TK. We know that this led ‘wild talent’ is really a hereditary trait, produced by a gene that is usually recessive, if present at all. We suspect that the TK ability may be glandular in nature. We know that Carrie produced at least one demonstration of her ability as a small girl when she was put into an extreme situation of guilt and stress. We know that a second extreme situation of guilt and stress arose from a shower-room hazing incident. It has been theorized (especially by W.G. Throneberry and Julia Givens, Berkeley) that resurgence of the TK ability at this point was caused by both psychological factors (i.e. the reaction of the other girls and Carrie herself to their first menstrual period) and physiological factors (i.e., the advent of puberty). And finally, we know that on Prom Night, a third sum situation arose, causing the terrible events which we now must begin to discuss. We will begin with †¦ (i am not nervous not a bit nervous) Tommy had called earlier with her corsage, and now she was pinning it to the shoulder of her gown herself. There was no momma, of course, to do it for her and make sure it was in the right place, Momma had locked herself in the chapel and had been in there for the last two hours, praying hysterically. Her voice rose and fen in frightening, incoherent cycles. You read "Carrie Chapter Ten" in category "Essay examples" (I’m sorry momma but I can’t be sorry) When she had it fixed to her satisfaction, she dropped her hands and stood quietly for a moment with her eyes closed. There was no full-length mirror in the house. (vanity vanity all is vanity) but she thought she was all. right. She had to be. She- She opened her eyes again. The Black Forest cuckoo clock, bought with Green Stamps, said seven-ten. (he’ll be here in twenty minutes) Would he? Maybe it was all just an elaborate joke, the final crusher, the ultimate punch line. To leave her sitting here half the night in her crushed-velvet prom gown with its princess waistline, juliet sleeves and simple straight skirt – and her tea roses pinned to her left shoulder. From the other room, on the rise now; ‘. . . in hallowed earth! We know thou bring’st the Eye That Watcheth, the hideous three-lobbed eye, and the sound of black trumpets. We most heartily repent-‘ Carrie did not think anyone could understand the brute courage it had taken to reconcile herself to this, to leave herself open to whatever fearsome possibilities the night might realize. Being stood up could hardly be the worst of them. In fact, in a kind of sneaking, wishful way she thought it might be for the best if (no stop that) Of course it would be easier to stay here with Momma. Safer. She knew what They thought of Momma. Well, maybe Momma was a fanatic, a freak, but at least she was predictable, the house was predictable. She never came home to laughing, shrieking girls who threw things. And if he didn’t come, if she drew back and gave up? High school would be over in a month. Then what? A creeping. subterranean existence in this house, supported by Momma, watching game shows and soap operas all day on television at Mrs Garrison’s house when she had Carrie In To Visit (Mrs Garrison was eighty-six), walking down to the Centre to get a malted after supper at the Kelly Fruit when it was deserted, getting fatter, losing hope, losing even the power to think? No. Oh dear God, please no. (please let it be a happy ending) ‘-protect us from he with the split foot who waits in the alleys and in the parking lots of roadhouses, O Saviour-‘ Seven twenty-five. Restlessly, without thinking she began to lift objects with her mind and put them back down, the way a nervous woman awaiting someone in a restaurant will fold and unfold her napkin. She could dangle half a dozen objects in air at one time, and not a sign of tiredness or headache. She kept waiting for the power to abate, but it remained at high water with no sign of waning. The other night on her way home from school, she had rolled a parked car (oh please god let it not be a joke) twenty feet down the main street curb with no strain at all. The courthouse idlers had stared at it as if their eyes would pop out, and of course she stared too, but she was smiling inside. The cuckoo popped out of the clock and spoke once. Seven-thirty. She had grown a little wary of the terrific strain using the power seemed to put on her heart and lungs and internal thermostat. she suspected it would be all too possible for her heart to literally burst with the strain. It was like being in another’s body and forcing her to run and run and run. You would not pay the cost yourself; the other body would. She was beginning to realize that her power was perhaps not so different from the powers of Indian fakirs, who stroll across hot coals, run needles into their eyes, or blithely bury themselves for periods up to six weeks. Mind over matter in any form is a terrific drain on the body’s resources. Seven thirty-two. (he’s not coming) (don’t think about it a watched pot doesn’t boil hell Come) (no he won’t he’s out laughing at you with his friends and after a little bit they’ll drive by in one of their fast noisy cars laughing and hooting and yelling) Miserably, she began lifting the sewing machine up and down, swinging it in widening arcs throught the air. ‘-and protect us also from rebellious daughters imbued with the willfulness of the Wicked One-‘ ‘Shut up!’ Carrie screamed suddenly. There was startled silence for a moment, and then the babbling chant began again. Seven thirty-three. Not coming (then i’ll wreck the house) The thought came to her naturally and cleanly. First the sewing machine, driven through the living room wall. The couch through a window. Tables, chairs, books and tracts all flying, the plumbing ripped loose and still spurting, like arteries ripped free of flesh. The roof itself, if that were within her power, shingles exploding upward into the night like startled pigeons Lights splashed gaudily across the window. Other cars had gone by, making her heart leap a little, but this one was going much more slowly. (O) She ran to the window, unable to restrain herself, and it was him, Tommy, just climbing out of his car, and even under the street light he was handsome and alive and almost †¦ crackling. The odd word made her want to giggle. Momma had stopped praying. She grabbed her fight silken wrap from where it had lain across the back of her chair and put it around her bare shoulders. She bit her lip, touched her hair, and would have sold her soul for a mirror. The buzzer in the hall made its harsh cry. She made herself wait, controlling the twitch in her hands, for the second buzz Then she went slowly, with silken swish. She opened the door and he was there, nearly blinding in white dinner jacket and dark dress pants. They looked at each other, and neither said a word. She felt that her heart would break if he uttered so much as the wrong sound, and if he laughed she would die. She felt -actually, physically-her whole miserable life narrow to a point that might be an end or the beginning of a widening beam. Finally, helpless, she said: ‘Do you like me?’ He said: ‘You’re beautiful.’ She was. From The Shadow Exploded (p. 131): While those going to the Ewen Spring Ball were gathering at the high school or just leaving pre-Prom buffets, Christine Hargensen and William Nolan had met in a room above a local town-limits tavern called The Cavalier. We know that they had been meeting there for some time; that is in the records of the White Commission. What we don’t know is whether their plans were complete and irrevocable or if they went ahead almost on whim †¦ ‘Is it time yet?’ She asked him in the darkness. He looked at his watch. ‘No.’ Faintly, through the board floor, came the thump of the juke playing She’s Got To Be a Saint, by Ray Price. The Cavalier, Chris reflected, hadn’t changed their records since the first time she’d been there with a forged ID two years ago. Of course then she’d been down in the taprooms, not on one of Sam, Deveaux’s ‘specials.’ Billy’s cigarette winked fitfully in the dark, like the eye of an uneasy demon. She watched it introspectively. She hadn’t let him sleep with her until last Monday, when he had promised that he and his greaser friends would help her pull the string on Carrie White if she actually dared to go to the Prom with Tommy Ross. But they had been here before, and had had some pretty hot necking going on – what she thought of as Scotch love and what he would call, in his unfailing ability to pinpoint the vulgar the – dry humps. She had meant to make him wait until he had actually done something, (but of course he did he got the blood) but it had all begun to slip out of her hands, and it made heir uneasy. If she had not given in willingly on Monday, he would have taken her, by force. Billy had not been her first lover, but he was the first she could not dance and dandle at her whim. Before him her boys had been clever marionettes with clear, pimple-free faces and parents with connections and country-club memberships. They drove their own VWs or Javelins or Dodge Chargers. They went to UMass or Boston College. They wore fraternity windbreakers in the fall and muscle-shirts with bright stripes in the summer. They smoked marijuana a great deal and talked about the funny things that happened to them when they were wrecked. They began by treating her with patronizing good fellowship (all high school girls, no matter how good-looking, were Bush League) and always ended up trotting after her with panting, doglike lust. If they trotted long enough and spent enough in the Process she usually let them go to bed with her. Quite often she lay passively beneath them, not helping or hindering, until it was over. Later, she achieved her own solitary climax while viewing the inc ident as a single closed loop of memory. She had met Billy Nolan following a drug bust at a Cambridge apartment. Four students, including Chris’s date for the evening had been busted for possession. Chris and the other girls were charged with being present there. Her father took care of it with quiet efficiency, and asked her if she knew what would happen to his image and his practice if his daughter was taken up on a drug charge. She told him that she doubted if anything could hurt either one, and he took her car away. How to cite Carrie Chapter Ten, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Internet Is Challenging Sovereign Decisions
Question: Describe about the Article for Internet Is Challenging Sovereign Decisions. Answer: Impact of the Significant Factor on Changes of the Geo-political Landscapes The prediction of the upcoming changes in the geo-political landscape is quite difficult. However, it is still required to recognize the most significant factors that have the most influence on the changing scenario of geo-political world. It is noted that the most of the international trades are revolving around a minimal proportion of Sea Lanes Communications. Apart from such high level of communication, the cyberspace and climate changes are also considered as the most fruitful factors that are influencing changes in the geo-political landscapes. In considering the scenario of 21st century, it has been seen that the effects of the internet is most recognizable concern (Hathaway, Melissa 2014). The changes in the communicational process through internet have been ensuring the drastic changes in the public opinion. The internet system is manipulating the social life to think in a different perspective. Hence, the geo-political landscape is also considering the drastic changes. Initiatives of US Policy Makers The US policy makers have been much responsive towards such changes. Internet is the driving force for the sophisticated trends in the society. Accordingly, the US policymakers are undertaking the efficient initiatives to secure the social networking process to improvise the global scenario in geo-political field (Smith, Paul 2011). The establishment of the proper communicational transparency and the maintenance of the proper standards are the most required factors for promoting internet use. Due to such initiatives, the globalised world of 21st century is inviting the enormous competition in the industrial process. Such competitive scenario is concerned with the advancements in the process of geo-political activities. References Hathaway, Melissa E. "Connected Choices: How the Internet Is Challenging Sovereign Decisions."American Foreign Policy Interests36, no. 5 (2014): 300-313. Smith, Paul J. "The geopolitics of climate change: power transitions, conflict and the future of military activities."Conflict, Security Development11, no. 3 (2011): 309-334.
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